
분류 없음/2007

775 전도자를 대접하라

LNCK 2007. 7. 7. 19:48

◈전도자를 대접하라            눅10:1~12

성경 해석에 있어서 ‘색다른 관점’이 눈에 띠여서

잠시 번역해 보았습니다.

예수께서 제자들에게 전도하러 보내실 때,

‘지갑이나 짐보따리(배낭)나 신을 가지지 말라’고 하셨다.

전대나 주머니나 신을 가지지 말며... 눅10:4

우리는 이 말씀을 두고,

예수님이 전도자들에게 ‘가난한 삶’을 명령하셨다고 해석한다.

물론 그럴 수도 있겠지만, 본문을 자세히 읽어보면,

‘전도자의 가난한 삶’에 주된 강조점이 있기 보다는,

‘전도자들을 적극적으로 도우라’는데 주된 강조점이 있다는 것이다.

왜냐하면 그들은 지갑도, 짐보따리도, 신발도 없기 때문이다.

연이어 나오는 말씀이 그 사실을 뒷받침해 준다.

그 집에 유하며 주는 것을 먹고 마시라. 일군이 그 삯을 얻는 것이 마땅하니라  눅10:7

즉, 이 문단의 전체 주제는 일꾼이 그 삯을 얻는 것이 마땅하니라에 있다.

‘전도자는 지갑, 가방, 신발도 없이 살아라’에 그 주제가 있지 않다.

(물론 전도자는 청빈해야 하지만 말이다)

그러므로 무리들은, 전도자가 그 삯을 마땅히 얻도록 도와주어야 한다는 것이다.

어느 동네에 들어가든지 너희를 영접하거든, 너희 앞에 차려놓는 것을 먹고... 눅10:8

이 말씀도, ‘거지처럼 얻어먹어라’에 포인트가 있기 보다는,

‘전도자들에게 열심히 대접하라’에 강조점이 있지 않을까?

그러므로 무리들에게,

그런 신실한 ‘전도자들을 정성껏 도우라’라는 것이

이 문단의 요지이다.

(그런데 우리는 '전도자는 가난하게 살아야 한다'는데 더 큰 무게를 두어왔다...)

그렇다면 누가복음 후반부에 이런 이해하기 어려운 말씀이 나오는데...

‘이르시되 이제는 전대 있는 자는 가질 것이요 배낭도 그리하고

없는 자는 겉옷을 팔아 살지어다’ 눅22:36

이 말씀의 해석도, 예수님이 십자가에 달리실 때에는

예수님과 제자들에 대한 적대감이 너무 커서,

아무도 도와주거나 보호해 주는 사람이 없을 것이므로

‘스스로 꾸려나가야 할 때도 온다’ 라는 뜻인 것 같습니다...

◑Homily from Father James Gilhooley

Did you ever hear the story of the twenty dollar bill and the one dollar bill? They finally met in the US Treasury. After a long life, they had come to the end of their usefulness and were about to be destroyed. The twenty speaks, "I don't mind. I've had a good run. I have been in many excellent restaurants. I've been on great vacations. I've seen wonderful theater in my day." Then the twenty asks the one dollar bill "How about you, pilgrim? What kind of a time have you had?" Downcast, the one dollar bill responded, "Lousy!  I've spent most of my life at the bottom of collection baskets in Catholic churches." We laugh at this story, but the laugh is on us.

In verse 4 of today's Gospel, Jesus addresses the disciples, whom He is sending out into the field, "Carry no purse, no backpacks, no sandals." Many people like to think that Jesus was endorsing poverty for His missionaries. But that is not the case at all. Rather, He is telling them that those among whom they labor will supply them with purses, backpacks, and sandals. In a word, He was encouraging His followers to be generous to those working among them.

And, should anyone miss His point, The Teacher says in verse 7, "The laborer deserves his wages." (이 부분 윗 글에 편역)

The former carpenter, who Himself had no doubt been cheated by deadbeat clients in Nazareth, was saying to contemporary Catholics, "Just as you pay the plumbers and house-painters who work in your home, support my messengers who build your spirits and my Church."

How does this advice from the Teacher compare with the facts? A recent study showed that while the average Catholic family donates 1% of its income to the church, its counterpart in the Presbyterian church is giving 2.2% or more. That is of course two times what the Catholic family gives.

And, if anybody is anxious to take a guilt trip, do consider that the Mormons give 10% of their income to their church. And oftentimes they give two years of their lives working as missionaries.

Or how about this mind-boggling statistic? It is estimated that two million Seven Day Adventists give more money to their church for the missions than 800 million Catholics around the globe.

So, as somebody has put it, while most Catholics are willing to give God credit, too few are willing to give Him cash.

When was the last time you saw a BINGO sign outside a Mormon temple or a Presbyterian church? We Catholics do seem to have the market sewn up on that dubious adventure. I know of a Catholic parish that has four bingos weekly. one unhappily can argue that in the popular mind at least bingo is the fifth mark of the Church.

A comedian has been quoted as saying on national TV, "I knew I had pulled up in front of a Catholic church. As soon as I turned off the ignition, parishioners rushed out and began to raffle my car off." He of course got a big laugh. However, what kind of laughter would he have gotten had he substituted Presbyterian or Mormon for Catholic? I think we all know.

Our immigrant parents left to us as their legacy in the USA the largest parochial school system the world has ever witnessed. And yet we, who have more money than our parents ever dreamed of, are allowing that same system to slowly disintegrate. Our schools are threatening to go the way of the dinosaurs and the dodo bird. What will generations to come say of us, do you think? I wager they will be much less than kind.

The loser in all this is Jesus. We expend so much enthusiasm on cake sales, carnivals, etc that we have little strength left to get His message out to people. His life is called the greatest story ever told. But we have no time to tell it.    

Yet, do check today's Gospel. When He sent out the seventy two disciples, He did not instruct them to become blackjack dealers or pit men. Quite the contrary! He instructs His people in verse 2 to harvest the souls quickly that are waiting for them.

We should reflect long and hard on Rousseau's dictum, "When a man dies, he carries in his clutched hands only that which he has given away."

[주제별 분류] 크리스천 리빙

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